When a police officer suspects someone of driving under the influence there is a process he or she must follow. In order to make an arrest, the officer must first find probable cause to take action. One of the most common ways of doing so is by requesting the driver...
Month: September 2019
What is considered drunk driving in Illinois?
Drunk driving is a behavior that Illinois law enforcement officials attempt to prevent. However, establishing intoxication in a driver can be difficult and may be subject to errors and omissions that call into question the veracity of drunk driving test results. This...
What is domestic violence in Illinois?
Claims of domestic violence are very serious and can be addressed in both the civil and criminal courts in Illinois. When allegations of physical violence or harm are made against an Illinois resident, they may have to defend themselves against these charges....
First responders have rights despite Firefighter’s Rule
A 23-year-old Illinois firefighter has filed a lawsuit stemming from injuries he says he sustained from an emergency call. Most Americans would find nothing unusual about this, other than concern for the young man’s health. But some firefighters, police,...